
熱門關鍵詞:B-100AP LUYOR-3415RG


作者:紫外光源事業部時間:2019-12-16 21:06:21瀏覽10805 次


如果不正確地使用紫外線燈,可能會導致嚴重的痛苦的眼和皮膚傷害,因此,只有熟悉潛在危險和控制措施的經過授權和培訓的人員才能使用此類設備。 紫外線燈必須在難以進入的指定區域內使用,以保護路人。 在密閉,通風良好的房間或懸垂的區域內操作可降低暴露的風險.


紫外線(UV)燈用于各種應用中。它們分別有殺菌燈,“黑光燈,汞蒸氣燈,太陽能模擬器,光化學固化設備,金屬鹵化物燈等。電磁光譜的紫外線輻射部分的波長大約在100nm至400nm之間。 [注:1 nm =1納米=一米的十分之一。] UV光譜已細分為三個不同的光譜帶:
LUYOR ultraviolet (UV) lamps are used on the UC Irvine campus in a variety of applications. They are found in germicidal lamps, “black lights”, mercury vapor lamps, solar simulators, photochemical curing equipment, metal halide lamps, etc. the UV radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum lies approximately between 100 nm and 400 nm in wavelength. [Note: 1 nm = 1 nanometer = one billionth of a meter.] The UV spectrum has been subdivided into three distinct spectral bands:

UV-A輻射(315nm至400nm),被稱為“近UV”和“黑光”,具有更低的生物活性,但暴露會導致皮膚曬黑和灼傷皮膚,并導致白內障的形成(眼晶狀體中的不透明性)。它可以通過空氣和普通玻璃有效地傳播。 [曬黑店通常將顧客暴露在UV-A輻射下。]
 UV-A radiation (315 nm to 400 nm), which is called “near UV” and "black light", is the least photobiologically-active, but exposure can produce tanning and some burning of the skin, and can lead to the formation of cataracts (opacities in the lens of the eye). It is efficiently transmitted by air and common glass. [Tanning parlors generally expose patrons to UV-A radiation.]
? UV-B radiation (280 nm to 315 nm), which is called “middle UV” and "erythemal UV", causes skin tanning and “sunburn”, photokeratitis (inflammation of the cornea of the eye),photoconjuctivitis (inflammation of the mucus membrane which lines the inner surface of the eyelids), and cataracts. It is transmitted by air, but can be blocked with common glass.
? UV-C radiation (100 nm to 280 nm), which is called “far UV” and "germicidal UV", also causes photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis, with maximum effects occurring at 270 nm. It is blocked by common glass and by air (for wavelengths < 200 nm).
Due to the insidious onset of symptoms, exposed persons often do not realize the hazard attendant to exposure to UV radiation until the damage has occurred (sensations of pain do not occur initially). For example, persons who get sunburned at the beach often do not comprehend their predicament until they arrive home and get into the shower!

In addition to presenting significant eye and skin hazards, UV irradiation of the air (and of airborne substances) can lead to the generation of toxic compounds to which nearby personnel can be exposed. UV radiation at wavelengths below 250 nm can produce ozone and nitrogen oxides, and can convert chlorinated hydrocarbons, if present, into phosgene and hydrogen chloride. In some instances, the risks from exposure to toxic gases are more substantial than the risks from exposure to the UV radiation itself, due to the incorporation of optical safeguards into the UV generating system, and the absence of adequate ventilation in the area of the UV source.

紫外線燈安全準則Ultraviolet lamp safety guidelines
Principal Investigators (PIs) on campus must ensure that individuals who will be using UV sources under their supervision are adequately trained in the hazards related to these sources, and in the safe methods of using the equipment. This is especially true in cases in which UV-B and UV-C sources are to be used. PIs must supply protective equipment to all potentially exposed staff members when such equipment is deemed necessary and appropriate.

Carefully study the manuals supplied by the manufacturer of the UV-generating equipment used, and do not deviate from the instructions concerning its safe operation without first contacting the manufacturer. These manuals provide specific safety-related information (such as the type of eye/skin protection needed, ventilation requirements, etc.) that must be completely understood prior to energizing the equipment. If there is any confusion at all regarding the safe use of UV-generating equipment, it is essential that LUYOR be contacted to clarify any concerns that you might have. If you are still uncertain about these issues, contact LUYOR at 4006-254-365.

如果不正確地使用紫外線燈,可能會導致嚴重的痛苦的眼和皮膚傷害,因此,只有熟悉潛在危險和控制措施的經過授權和培訓的人員才能使用此類設備。 紫外線燈必須在難以進入的指定區域內使用,以保護路人。 在密閉,通風良好的房間或懸垂的區域內操作可降低暴露的風險.
Serious and painful eye and skin injuries can result if UV lamps are used improperly.Therefore, only authorized and trained personnel familiar with the potential hazards and control measures may use such units. UV lamps must be used in designated areas with limited access,which affords protection to passers-by. Operation from within a closed, well-ventilated room or a draped area reduces the risks of exposure.



盡可能在完全封閉,互鎖的條件下使用紫外線燈。除非有良好的控制危險,否則不得故意破壞互鎖!即使遮蓋了眼睛和皮膚,也應避免不必要的曝光。 切勿直接觀看紫外線燈。 采取所有必要的步驟將暴露時間減少到合理可及的短的時間,并使用屏障/外殼/遮罩以發揮更大作用。
Whenever possible, UV lamps should be used under totally enclosed, interlocked conditions.Interlocks must not be intentionally defeated unless the attendant hazards are otherwise well controlled! Needless exposures should be avoided, even in cases in which the eyes and skin are covered. The UV lamp should never be viewed directly. Take all necessary steps to reduce the exposure time to as short as is reasonably achievable, and use barriers/enclosures/shields to their maximum advantage.

盡管平方反比定律適用于非激光束紫外線輻射,但無論您與紫外線源之間的距離如何,都建議不要直視任何紫外線源(例如電弧或燈)。由于維護和清潔人員在工作期間可能會意外地暴露于紫外線燈的輻射下,因此必須對所有紫外線源和設施進行充分標識,以指示此類人員暴露的危險(在某些情況下, 警告應同時使用英文和西班牙文;危險-紫外線輻射?Peligro--RadiaciónUltravioleta)。 理想情況下,所有激活的紫外線源都應由有經驗的人員始終陪伴,或將燈置于防呆,聯鎖的外殼中。 但是,在兩種情況下都需要警告標志。 突出的激活警告燈也很有幫助。
Although the inverse square law applies to non-laser beam UV radiation, it is not advisable to look directly at any UV source (such as an arc or lamp) regardless of your distance from it. Since maintenance and janitorial personnel may be accidentally exposed to the radiation from UV lamps while in the course of their duties, it is essential that all UV sources and facilities be adequately labeled to instruct such personnel of the danger of exposure (in some cases, these warnings should be in both English and Spanish; Danger – Ultraviolet Radiation ? Peligro --Radiación Ultravioleta). Ideally, all activated UV sources should either be attended by knowledgeable personnel at all times, or the lamps should be housed in foolproof, interlocked enclosures. However, warning signs are needed in both cases. Prominent activation warning lights are also helpful.

產生紫外線的設備的操作人員必須完全屏蔽紫外線,并屏蔽紫外線,該操作人員必須佩戴紫外線過濾的面罩,長袖襯衫,手套,有時還需要長褲,否則輻射不會完全封閉。 盡管這些物品可能無法完全消除暴露于紫外線輻射的危險,但它們可以大大降低嚴重燒傷的風險。 如果認為輻射強度不足以引起皮膚影響,則帶側罩的紫外線過濾玻璃偶爾足以滿足短期暴露的需要。 但是,這可能是冒險的。 大多數可過濾紫外線的面罩和眼鏡由聚碳酸酯塑料制成,能夠吸收99%的紫外線至400 nm(紫光)。
Protective Eyewear, Clothing and Skin-protective Agents
Operators of UV-generating equipment for which the radiation is not totally enclosed and exposures are possible must wear UV-filtering face shields, long-sleeved shirts, gloves, and sometimes long pants. Although these items may not completely eliminate the exposure to UV radiation, they reduce the risk of a severe burn substantially. UV-filtering glasses with side shields will occasionally suffice for very short-term exposures when the radiation is not considered to be of sufficient intensity to cause skin effects; this can be a risky venture, though. Most UV-filtering face shields and spectacles are made of polycarbonate plastic, which is capable of absorbing 99% of UV radiation up to 400 nm (violet light).



For UV radiation generated from welding operations, the most effective control for protecting the eyes is the use of a proper welding helmet containing darkened UV-filtering lenses. The skin must similarly be protected by the wearing of appropriate clothing and gloves (see below). Nearby personnel can be protected by using welding curtains/screens that physically block the UV radiation. Welding booths must be adequately ventilated to protect the welder (and others) from any potentially hazardous fumes, vapors and gases that may be released during welding and cutting operations. The skin can be protected either by wearing appropriate clothing (the preferred method!) or by applying protective creams and ointments. Certain types of fabrics attenuate UV radiation well,while other types do not. Leather gloves, aprons and jackets have been successfully used for this purpose in welding, manufacturing and research applications involving UV exposure. Woven fabrics vary greatly in their attenuation properties. Obviously, loosely-woven fabrics through which one can readily see light when they are held up to a lamp will not be as effective as tightly-woven materials. Cotton fabrics generally have UV-B diffuse transmission values ranging from 5% to 30%, rayon and rayon blends transmit somewhat less (10% to 15%), and heavy wool and flannel materials may transmit 1% or less. Poplin has been reported to have very low UV transmittance. Nylon is very ineffective and may transmit up to 40% of the UV radiation. The attenuation can be greatly enhanced by the wearing of layered clothing.
已經開發了許多局部皮膚保護劑,它們可部分或全部過濾紫外線。 這些試劑包括對氨基苯甲酸(PABA)及其酯,水楊酸酯和氨基甲酸酯。 這些制劑通常與具有良好直接性的物質一起放入溶液中。 親和性是用于表示溶液對皮膚吸收和保留的親和性的術語。
A number of topical skin-protective agents have been developed which provide partial to total filtration of UV radiation. These agents include para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and its esters, salicylates and cyanamates. These preparations are generally placed into solution with substances that have good substantivity. Substantivity is a term used to indicate the affinity of a solution for absorption into and retention in the skin.

紫外線暴露標準UV Exposure Standards
沒有聯邦或加利福尼亞州的安全標準規定允許的紫外線職業暴露水平。 在大多數情況下,“一般職責條款”涵蓋了紫外線照射,這表明必須保護所有工人免受公認的危害。
There are no Federal or State of California safety standards that specify permissible occupational exposure levels to UV radiation. For the most part, UV exposures are covered under the “General Duty Clause” that indicates that all workers must be protected from recognized hazards.
TLV適用于電弧,氣體和蒸氣放電,熒光和白熾光源以及太陽輻射對皮膚的暴露。 {它們不適用于暴露于激光產生的相干UV輻射,也不適用于極度光敏的個體。} TLV旨在用作控制人員暴露于連續UV源(暴露時間> 0.1秒)的準則。 。
TLV以每平方厘米表面積(mJ / cm2)的能量毫焦耳為單位提供。對于需要依賴于波長的曝光時間(需要使用稱為相對光譜輻照度的參數)進行計算,它們是180 nm至400 nm波長的函數。 TLV值指示以下內容:
However, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists has established UV exposure levels (called Threshold Limit Values?) to which it is believed that nearly all healthy workers may be exposed repeatedly without suffering erythema (sunburn) or photoconjunctivitis.
The TLVs apply to exposures of the skin from arcs, gas and vapor discharges, fluorescent and incandescent light sources, and also solar radiation. {They do not apply to exposure to coherent UV radiation generated by lasers, nor do they apply to extremely photosensitive individuals.} The TLVs are intended to be used as guidelines for controlling exposures of personnel to continuous UV sources (exposure duration > 0.1 sec).
The TLVs are provided in units of millijoules of energy per square centimeter of surface area(mJ/cm2). They are presented as a function of wavelength from 180 nm up to 400 nm for wavelength-dependent exposure times that need to be calculated using a parameter termedthe relative spectral irradiance. The TLV values indicate the following:

最危險的紫外線是波長在240 nm至300nm之間的紫外線。 在此波長范圍內,TLV小于10 mJ / cm2,最小TLV(最危險的輻射)為270 nm(TLV = 3 mJ / cm2)
危害最小的紫外線是波長超過315 nm的紫外線(UV-A輻射)。 在該波長以上,TLV始終超過1000 mJ / cm2,并且穩步攀升至該波長之上,表明隨著波長的增加,輻射的危害性降低。180在180 nm和240 nm之間,輻射變得越來越危險.
The most hazardous UV radiation is that with wavelengths between 240 nm and 300nm. In this wavelength range, the TLV is less than 10 mJ/cm2, with the minimumTLV (the most hazardous radiation) being at 270 nm (TLV = 3 mJ/cm2).The least hazardous UV radiation is that with wavelengths exceeding about 315 nm(UV-A radiation). Above that wavelength, the TLV is always over 1000 mJ/cm2, andit steadily climbs above that wavelength indicating that the radiation is less hazardouswith increasing wavelength.Between 180 nm and 240 nm, the radiation becomes increasingly more hazardous.

從2003 TLV手冊中獲得的一些附加說明:
2)一些局部制劑和內用化學藥品會增加暴露于紫外線輻射的風險。 這些例子包括一些抗生素(例如四環素和強力霉素),以及一些抗抑郁藥,利尿劑,化妝品,抗精神病藥,染料等。請始終意識到這種可能性,并閱讀處方/產品標簽或就此咨詢您的藥劑師 物。
A few additional notes obtained from the 2003 TLV booklet:
1) The probability of developing skin cancer from UV exposure is related to a variety of factors such as skin pigmentation (persons with light skin are at the greatest risk), a history of blistering sunburns, and lifetime accumulated UV dose.
2) Some topical preparations and systemic chemicals can heighten the risk of exposure to UV radiation. Examples of these are some antibiotics (e.g., tetracycline and doxycycline), as well as some antidepressants, diuretics, cosmetics, antipsychotic drugs, dyes, etc. Always be cognizant of this possibility and read prescription/product labels or consult with your pharmacist regarding this matter.
3) Outdoor workers in latitudes within 40 degrees of the equator can be exposed to quantities of UV radiation which exceed the TLV in as little as 5 minutes around noon during the summer months!!!
